Public-private dialogue on Tourism reform 2023-05-18

ReforMeter and USAID Economic Governance Program hosted another public-private dialogue to assess the progress of tourism reform. The evaluation of the tourism reform includes the review of the planned changes in the tourism law, which aims to ensure coordination at the national and regional levels, develop a diversified tourist offers, ensure high quality of tourist services, develop a standard for protecting consumer rights and safety.
At this stage, it is planned to implement a number of legislative changes, which include the development of legal prerequisites for the establishment of a tourist Destination Management Organizations (DMO), regulation of mountain, skiing and alpine guide activities, high-risk tourism activities, activities of tourist guides, provision of standards for the protection of consumer rights and the regulation of contractual relations, as well as the establishment of tax benefits for entities with the status of agritourism and wine tourism.
Reform stakeholders participated in the public-private dialogue and evaluated the progress of the reform during the meeting.