Public-private dialogue on RIA Institutionalization Reform 2024-03-21

ReforMeter and USAID's Economic Governance Program hosted another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in reforming the institutionalization of Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIA).
The goal of reforming the institutionalization of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is to make RIA a routine part of policy planning and implementation. In Georgia, there are already requirements related to the assessment of the impact of regulation in the 2020 resolution of the Government of Georgia - "On approval of the methodology of assessment of regulation". This resolution is a key component of the legal framework for reforming the institutionalization of RIA. The reform also includes capacity building, institutional and infrastructural components.
Representatives of agencies, civil and private sectors involved in the implementation of the reform participated in the public-private dialogue and discussed the expected results of the changes implemented and planned within the framework of the reform.